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Many people rely on investment advisor companies to help them navigate their way through the world of finance. Unfortunately, many of these companies aren’t really helpful at all.
Stock Advisor Picks Returned >500%. If you give Stock Advisor a try and decide it’s not for you, simply cancel within 30 days and you’ll receive every penny of your membership fee back.
For example, you could be paying a high commission to a company that isn’t even helping you invest your money properly. Or you could be paying too much in fees to a company that is just lying to you and not really giving you the recommendations that you need.
Motley Fool is a very common name in the world of investment advisor companies. But can you trust them? This article will help you find out if Motley Fool is the right choice for you.
What is Motley Fool?
Motley Fool is a company that provides investment advice to millions of people across the United States. Their services are very popular and they are well-known for providing a wide range of investment advice.
Stock Advisor Picks Returned >500%. If you give Stock Advisor a try and decide it’s not for you, simply cancel within 30 days and you’ll receive every penny of your membership fee back.
They do this by providing financial advice to millions of people and helping them manage their finances via a regular newsletter. Motley Fool is an investment advisor company that is based in the United States. They provide many different subscription plans, such as the Motley Fool Rule Breakers and Motley Fool Stock Advisor. These are two of their most popular services.
Is Motley Fool Guaranteed to be Right?
Motley Fool has over two decades of experience under their belt. They are one of the most trusted names in the world of investment advisor companies. This is why many people trust them with their finances.
The people who have always acted as advised by The Motley Fool have been very successful; however, not everyone who has followed its advice has done very well. In the past, incidents have happened in which the service had to lay off 80% of their staff. They’ve also had to close some offices, including those in Hong Kong and Singapore. So, there are certain weak points in Motley Fool’s history. As with any other investment advisor company, there may always be moments where their prediction, however well-curated they are, may not deliver good results.
What to Consider Before Using Motley Fool
The Motley Fool is an established and well respected stock picking service, with a long-standing history of nearly 30 years. It claims to have grown further than the S&P 500, according to their site at least. They say that they have outperformed the benchmark index considerably over the past years since being founded in 1993.
Still, accidents can happen. It all heavily depends on how you use their service. Stock Advisor, for example, is a great resource for new investors or investors who want to learn more about picking individual stocks (and not buying mutual funds) rather than buying shares in exchange-traded funds (ETFs).
It is possible for beginner to intermediate investors to gain a lot of useful information by reading the technical analysis that goes into each of their stock picks. Those who are more experienced can use that information as a little extra help for them to make future investment decisions.