
How To Turn Your Passion For Music Into A Money-Making Career

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Updated on November 6, 2022 by
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If you are a music lover, then it is unlikely that you can think of a career that you could have which would be more rewarding. Unlike many other careers, music is not only highly enjoyable to those involved in making it but also can be amazingly beneficial to those that are listening. Indeed, music is a very powerful tool. Adapted by the film and TV industries, it has made storylines and acting more emotional for onlookers and heightened enjoyment levels everywhere in the world.

Of course, music and the careers that can be entered exist outside of the film and TV industries, with a varied and wide range of possibilities and pathways that can be taken.

#1 Different paths you could take

Undoubtedly some musical careers will jump immediately to mind, such as that of a pop star or a classical composer. However, there is far more scope than just these careers. For instance, the role of music teacher still exists, although you may feel that this is a basic career, it is highly rewarding and beneficial, and you will not necessarily have to tie yourself to one particular school, college, or university to teach. In fact, there are plenty of music teachers or tutors nurturing students all over the world via the web.

If teaching is not for you, then there is the background world of the songwriter. Unfortunately, you will not see much in the limelight, but you could get your songs sung by the great singers of the age. Undeniably, songwriting is not for everyone, and those that have mastered this art tend to have a way with words, but there are still careers that await your attention should you wish.

For instance, if you have a good ear for mixing and changing those tracks that have already been created or adding your own music to them, there is a career as a DJ. You will not necessarily have to be on the top radio station, but you can have your channel or podcast for your fans to listen to your music and hook up with you.

However, if you are looking for a music career that will help others, then there are opportunities in areas such as CBMT (cognitive behavioral music therapy). Generally, the role of the CBMT is to support their clients that suffer from mental health symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders. However, this list is not exhausted here.

The role of the music therapist is growing, with more than 26650 music therapists in America alone, according to This is a role that needn’t be carried out face to face with your client as many therapists have clients that they only deal with over the internet via video link. As you can imagine, to gain access to this career, you will have to have a master’s degree to progress to a higher level and, therefore, a higher wage. In saying this, you can enter this career with lower levels of qualification.

#2 Setting your business up and what you will need

Of course, you may very well want to find a nice job and settle yourself into working for a large company or one that seems to care for you and your style of musical career that you wish to progress in. On the other hand, you may want to start your own company doing what you want to do with your very own client base to build and be proud of. In that case, here are some background areas you will require to get your business up and running as fast as possible.


It goes without saying. In this day and age, you are going to require a website for your business. You can see this very much as your storefront or virtual reception area. You must get this right the first time so that your potential clients and visitors get the perfect impression of you, your business, and your services. It is, therefore, vital that you get a highly qualified web designer involved from the start. They will not only be able to create a unique website for you but also could save you a lot of time should you be thinking about creating your own.

Reaching potential clients

You will have to work to get clients to find your business actively, and the best way to do this online is to get SEO experts in, such as, to heighten your search engine rankings. They will help you get the optimum conversion rates for your pay-per-click or any other type of advertising that you may be promoting as well as help with such things as your niche keywords which your potential clients will be using to search using search engines such as Google.

Contact information

Regardless of how you are hoping to find clients, you are going to have to provide them with multiple ways they can contact you. Just simply having an email address is not good enough in today’s business arena. You will need to provide them with a phone number so that they can contact you via voicemail or text if you do not want to speak to them yourself. You could also provide a chatbot on your website, but be prepared for clients who like to speak to a human being rather than deal with a software-generated person or wait for emails to be answered.

Communication with your clients

As mentioned above, do not get stuck in the world of your local area. You should think big and push yourself to take on clients from further afield. Setting up your area where you can converse with your clients via video link can be just as important as providing an area for those who come to see you in person. To make sure that both types of scenarios feel real to your client, you should ensure that you have everything you need for the consultation to hand, even if that means having duplicates.

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