
Where Does Costco Meat Come From?

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Updated on September 22, 2021 by
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Costco meat has a strong reputation for being some of the highest quality meat available on the market. And the best part is, you’re able to buy in bulk, usually cheaper than buying meat at a local grocery store.

In this article we’ll look at where Costco’s meat (beef, chicken, pork, lamb and veal) comes from.

Where does Costco meat come from?

Costco sources their beef from many suppliers and farms, mainly from America and Australia. All veal, chicken, and pork are produced by farmers spread across the US. On the other hand, foreign meat producers normally supply Costco’s fish and lamb.

Where does Costco get its pork?

Costco gets its pork products mainly from JBS Swift USA, which is the second-biggest pig slaughterer in the US. Other meat processing facilities, such as Perdue and Tyson, also supply pork products to Costco.

As for the company’s quality assurance, it implements the Pork Quality Assurance Program that ensures that the animals are looked after properly and pork products are safe and of excellent quality.

Where does Costco get its chicken?

Costco’s chicken products are sourced from its own chicken farm, which is situated in Fremont, Nebraska. This $450 million chicken plant is a vertically integrated facility that supplies all the chicken product requirements of the company. Since the year 2019, this facility has been operating as the only provider of Costco chicken. What’s more, the company is committed to animal welfare in its chicken supply chains.

Where does Costco get its veal?

Costco sources veal from its sole supplier, Atlantic Veal & Lamb Inc. Located in Brooklyn, New York, the company provides food services and offers bone-in veal legs, chopettes, chop-ready racks, and blade chucks. It purchases meat from 120 farms including Buckeye Veal Farm.

Animal welfare auditors at Costco consistently examine all farms to make sure 100% compliance with quality and welfare needs. Besides, the retailer also maintains a strict veal policy for the farm sources that encompasses barn needs, housing, diets, inspections, and more.

Where does Costco get its lamb?

Costco sources lamb from Australia. Australian lamb is 100% grass-fed and raised for tenderness. As a matter of fact, according to the World Organization for Animal Health, Australia has high animal welfare standards. The lamb sold at the retailer is raised without hormones and antibiotics.

Where does Costco get its beef?

Costco sources beef from the San Joaquin Valley in California. Costco beef goes through comprehensive testing by Costco suppliers before the beef is supplied to the retailer and by the retailer in the production process.

Where does Costco get its organic beef?

Costco procures organic beef from Australia, Canada, and the US. The company makes sure that these suppliers follow national regulations for producing organic beef for the highest quality meat possible.

Wrapping up

Costco meat is mainly sourced from farms in the United States, but some international suppliers are essential. The giant retailer purchases organic beef from Canada, Australia, and U.S. suppliers. It imports lamb from Australia. The lamb is free of antibiotic treatments and artificial additives. The retailer gets most of its chicken from farms that it really owns and its pork from JBS Swift USA.

Also read:

Where Does Walmart Meat Come From?

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